A rising political star faces scandal and blackmail when the young. Kitten with a whip is a movie starring annmargret, john forsythe, and peter brown. Kitten with a whip is regarded by many as a cult classic and in a way i can see it. Kitten with a whip 1964 where to watch it streaming online. Watch kitten with a whip full movie in hd visit jody, a juvenile delinquent, escapes from reform school by stabbing a. The movie is not at all popular with reelgood users lately. Mystery science theater 3000 kitten with a whip comet tv sci. Released through universal, the film stars john forsythe and newcomer annmargret, and features peter brown, patricia barry and richard anderson the film was made to publicize annmargret as a serious actress. In 1964, this modest thriller was considered somewhat shocking, due to forsythes house being picked at random by disaffected, thrillseeking youths.
If there is no download button, click the torrent name to view torrent source pages and download there. A rising political star faces scandal and blackmail when the young woman he tries to help turns out to be a juvenile. Her previous films, viva las vegas and bye bye birdie, were of the musical genre and did. Jody, a juvenile delinquent, escapes from reform school by stabbing a matron and attempting to burn down the building and then takes refuge in a house owned by an ambitious politician david patton. Kitten with a whip is a 1964 crime drama with an exploitative, juvenile delinquent overlay. In this exploitation film, a sadistic juvenile delinquent stabs a matron and sets fire to the reformatory where she has been staying. Watch kitten with a whip full movie streaming free download kitten with a whip. Annmargret is a bipolar woman that controls the situation threatening the man with lies. Kitten with a whip if only the film were as good as its title didnt seem to do the careers of annmargret and john forsythe any harm, so enjoy this campy trash with a clear conscience. Kitten with a whip is an anguishing film about a good and honest man that gets involved in a difficult situation that might destroy his career and personal life. Kitten with a whip featuring annmargret and john forsythe is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates.
Kitten with a whip 1964 where to watch it streaming. Sinopsis film movie kitten with a whip 1964 jody, a juvenile delinquent, escapes from reform school by stabbing a matron and attempting to burn down the building and then takes refuge in a house owned by an ambitious politician david patton. Kitten with a whip annmargret, john forsythe1964 universal. Rascal pick annmargret strawberry blonde celebrity an image of annmargret available. Swedishamerican actress annmargret poses with an ocelot in a promotional still for kitten with a whip, directed by douglas heyes, 1964. This account has reached the download cap, additional downloads subject to agreement overage terms. A reformschool runaway breaks into a politicians home, then calls her buddies. Kitten with a whip 1964 1080p torrent download free. Kitten with a whip annmargret, john forsythe 1964 universal pictures i. Download kitten with a whip 1964 yify torrent for 720p. Large database of subtitles for movies, tv series and anime at opensubtitles. Swedishamerican actress annmargret poses with an ocelot in a. Kitten with a whip has a better than average rotten tomatoes critics score of 67% and a less than average imdb audience rating of 4.
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